Fitstagram #5: кайла итсинес

Kayla Itsines Review – Kayla Itsines Workout

Kayla Itsines workout will provide users with innovative and effective resistance exercise, foam rolling guide and personal challenges. This product understands that sometimes, you may feel that your goals seem to be unreachable. Get your best version with the bikini body guide and enjoy a much more healthy body.

There are new workouts and diet programs available in the market. But choosing can be confusing as they may seem effective and proven. You should find the best option with a long term result when it comes to weight loss. These two guides will give you what you need in order to become fit and healthy just like how you should be. The body is actually an incredible machine. It is very important that it functions well every day to help accomplish your daily tasks.

Kayla Itsines Review : Who Is The Creator?

Who is Kayla Itsines, anyway? Cynics might think that she’s just the “public face” of a big company that’s marketing a weight loss product; after all, lots of big corporations use that approach to draw in customers.

But Kayla is a very real person, with real expertise. When she was a teenager she went to school to become a personal trainer and then started working at an Australian fitness center (that’s where she lives). She wasn’t convinced that the center’s methods were working, so she began developing her own approach to women’s fitness, and quickly went out on her own to start a successful career as a trainer. She was only 18 at the time.

Her program produced great results for her clients, and lots of people started following her online; many began sending her personal questions about their workouts and fitness. So Kayla decided to create an ebook of her fitness program – and it was so popular that interested visitors kept crashing her website. She finally brought in her tech-savvy boyfriend to help manage the website and the business that was developing, and the actual Bikini Body Guide became a “thing.” Soon, it became a force in the fitness world, as did Kayla.

In short, Kayla isn’t an Internet creation. She’s very real, very experienced, and very good at what she does. In the rest of this Kayla Itsines review, we’ll take an in-depth look at exactly what she does in the BBG.

Питание по программе Кайлы Итсинес

В питании Кайла пропагандирует «принцип тарелки» — здоровое сбалансированное питание, в котором присутствуют и углеводы, и жиры.

Вот ее ежедневный рацион:

Завтрак: тост, яйцо пашот, шпинат, спаржа

Перекус: кофе и горсть орехов

Обед: пита с курицей и чесночным соусом

Перекус: кофе и йогурт

Ужин: мясо, рис, овощи.


Еще один вариант рациона Кайлы:

Завтрак: фитнес-овсянка (30 г овсяной крупы, горсть ягод, скуп протеина)

Перекус: чашка сельдерея, 1/4 столовой ложки арахисового масла, 1 яблоко

Обед: пита с 80 г куриной грудки, помидорами и зеленым салатом

Перекус: 20 ягод винограда

Ужин: тушеная говядина, овощной салат, киноа и сыр фета.


По программе Кайлы на 12 недель придется полностью отказаться от алкоголя и сладкого. В качестве замены сахара Кайла предлагает использовать стевию.

Кайла признается, что ест абсолютно все, включая макароны, выпечку, красное мясо. Если хочется чего-то особенно сладкого и вредного, она выпивает малиновый чай.

Единственное табу для Кайлы — это алкоголь: дело в том, что от передозировки алкоголя умерла ее родная тетя.

Интересно, что Кайла не употребляет БАДы и разнообразные спортивные добавки, которые так любят тренера и инструкторы. Она иногда добавляет порошок протеина в утреннюю овсянку, и это абсолютно все.

The Trials of Apollo

The Hidden Oracle

Kayla, along with Austin, visit Apollo when he is brought to Camp Half-Blood. After learning that their father became a mortal, Kayla worries if the skills and powers they’d inherited from him are going to disappear. She then asks if they themselves are going to be un-born, her father assures her that it would not happen. 

The next day she tells Apollo to keep practicing and his archery skills will improve. She was shocked when he swore on the Styx to not play music or practice archery until he was a god again. They stopped Sherman Yang from going into the forest.

She was paired with Austin for the three legged death race, but the two were taken hostage by Nero.

She was freed by Austin and rode the queen Myrmeke with her father, she rode in the flying chariot with Apollo and Austin to take down Nero’s automation Colossus Neronis.

The Dark Prophecy

Apollo mentioned that Kayla told him to maintain his equipment while traveling. When her immortal father is aiming for the lever on the train tracks, he remembers how she had encouraged him what she had told him about patience.

The Tower of Nero

When his father and Meg return to camp after six months, Kayla and Austin argue with the harpies about eating new campers on their third warning rather then the first. The following morning she greets her immortal father after returning from a hike and tells him she wants to help take out Nero during breakfast.

A couple of days later the camp mounts an attack on Nero’s Tower. As she is fighting, Nico hands her immortal father over to her and she patches him up and gives him Mountain Dew. She walks him to a dining room where campers are being chased by a Tauri Sylvestres and she passes Apollo over the Austin so she could help them. After the battle is over, she and Austin help with the wounded as they give Apollo a reassuring look.

Two weeks later she and Austin hug their father when he returns to Camp Half-Blood as a god.


Kayla flying on the queen Myrmekeswith her divine father.

Percy Jackson and the Olympians
Core Series: The Lightning Thief | The Sea of Monsters | The Titan’s Curse | The Battle of the Labyrinth | The Last Olympian
Main Characters: Percy Jackson | Grover Underwood | Annabeth Chase | Tyson | Clarisse La Rue | Thalia Grace | Nico di Angelo | Chiron | Luke Castellan | Rachel Elizabeth Dare
Secondary Characters: Sally Jackson | Travis Stoll | Connor Stoll | Mrs. O’Leary | Silena Beauregard | Charles Beckendorf | Paul Blofis | Blackjack | Zoë Nightshade | Bianca di Angelo | Juniper | Ethan Nakamura
Minor Characters: Gabe Ugliano | Frederick Chase | Michael Yew | May Castellan | Austin Lake | Kayla Knowles | Maria di Angelo | Will Solace
Olympian Gods: Zeus | Hera | Poseidon | Demeter | Ares | Athena | Apollo | Artemis | Hephaestus | Aphrodite | Hermes | Dionysus | Hades | Hestia
Minor Gods: Amphitrite | Ariadne | Hecate | Iris | Janus | Morpheus | Nemesis | Pan | Persephone | Triton
Titans: Kronos | Atlas | Calypso | Iapetus | Krios | Hyperion | Oceanus | Prometheus
Related Content: Rick Riordan | The Lightning Thief (film) | Sea of Monsters (film) | The Demigod Files | Demigods and Monsters | The Ultimate Guide | The Heroes of Olympus | The Trials of Apollo | Disney+ Series


Этот небольшой комплекс очень удобен для начинающих, так что зашнуруйте кроссовки и полный вперед!

1. Отскок-выпад (Rebound lunge)

Сделайте шаг вперед правой ногой, согнув колено под углом 90 градусов. Затем, не останавливаясь, сделайте правой ногой шаг назад. Выполните 15 раз для каждой ноги.

2. Сплит приседания (Split squat)

Исходное положение – стоя. Прыгните вверх, отталкиваясь двумя ногами. Во второй фазе прыжка расставьте ноги. Во время приземления присядьте и коснитесь земли двумя руками между ног. Затем верните ноги в исходное положение. Выполните 15 раз.

3. Отжимания (Lay-down pushup)

Лягте животом на пол. Слегка приподнимите ступни, опираясь о пол коленями. Опираясь об пол коленями и ладонями, приподнимите руками верхнюю часть тела. Затем опуститесь на пол и вытяните руки перед собой. Выполните упражнение 15 раз.

4. Отводы плеч (Shoulder taps)

Отожмитесь от пола обеими руками, тело и ноги выровнены. Это исходное положение. Правой рукой коснитесь левого плеча, вернитесь в исходное положение. Левой рукой коснитесь правого плеча, вернитесь в исходное положение. Чтобы сделать это упражнение более сложным, добавьте отжимание после того, как вы дотронетесь руками до плеч. Выполните 15 раз.


Итсинес нашла работу в женском спортзале в Аделаиде. Итсинес пришла к выводу, что большинство женщин добиваются трех конкретных результатов от тренировок: меньшего размера внутренней поверхности бедер, более плоского живота и более подтянутых рук, а также опасаются стать слишком громоздкими.

Она также начала тренировать друзей своей сестры, которые хотели улучшить свою физическую форму, чтобы они могли играть в нетбол в своей школьной команде, уделяя особое внимание развитию основной силы и мощных ног. Она прочитала им лекцию о питании и попросила их сфотографировать себя до и после, чтобы отслеживать свои успехи

Двенадцатилетний двоюродный брат Итинес предложил использовать Instagram как способ систематизировать фотографии. В течение нескольких месяцев Itsines приобрела тысячи последователей и регулярно получала запросы о совете и помощи. Ее партнер, Тоби Пирс, предложил ей собрать свои распорядки в электронные книги, которые можно было бы продавать в Интернете. В марте 2013 года они основали компанию Bikini Body Training, директором которой стала Итсинес, а генеральным директором — Пирс. В январе следующего года они опубликовали первые два руководства по бикини для тела , в одном томе которых были тренировки компании Itsines, а в другом — информация о питании от диетологов Джули Дандон и Энн Шнейдер из Nutrition Professionals Australia. Позже Itsines также предложит гидов через партнерскую программу. К октябрю путеводители были скачаны более миллиона раз.

Программа BBG основана на 28-минутных тренировках высокой интенсивности, которые нужно выполнять три раза в неделю. Тренировки построены из репертуара из 150 движений, вдохновленных различными видами спорта и другими видами физической подготовки. Первоначально планы питания предусматривали всего 1200 калорий в день, но были обновлены, чтобы обеспечить от 1600 до 1800. Она описывает общую стратегию как не направленную ни на потерю веса, ни на набор мышечной массы, а скорее как на создание определенного образа. Программа нацелена в первую очередь на женщин, потому что Итсинес считает, что особенно хорошо разбирается в женских целях в области здоровья и фитнеса.

В 2015 году она отправилась в мировое турне «Kayla Itsines Bootcamp World Tour», проводя бесплатные групповые занятия фитнесом. Тур включал в себя столицы Австралии, Нью-Йорк , Лос-Анджелес и Лондон .

В феврале 2015 года Itsines подала в суд на другого личного тренера из Аделаиды, Линн Рэтклифф , и партнера Рэтклиффа Харли Джонстона из-за комментариев, которые они разместили на своих каналах YouTube . Рэтклифф, публикующийся под псевдонимом «Freelee the Banana Girl», утверждал, что план питания BBG требует, чтобы пользователи морили себя голодом, а Джонстон, публикующийся как «Durianrider», утверждал, что Пирс использовал стероиды . Итсинес заявил, что заявления носят клеветнический характер . Она получила судебный запрет на дальнейшую публикацию видео. Когда жалоба была рассмотрена в Верховном суде Южной Австралии 23 марта, судья Уизерс направил дело в суд, но в конечном итоге вопрос был урегулирован во внесудебном порядке.

В апреле 2015 года Apple представила Itsines в рекламе Apple Watch , продемонстрировав функцию монитора сердечного ритма.

В ноябре 2016 года Пан Макмиллан опубликовал первую печатную книгу Itsines « 28- дневное руководство по питанию и образу жизни в бикини» . В августе 2017 года она объявила о предстоящей публикации своей второй книги, The Bikini Body Motivation & Habits Guide .

По состоянию на 2018 год ее состояние оценивается в 63 миллиона долларов.

What is Kayla Itsines Bikini Body Guide 1

Eating the right food will give you proper nutrition. This is essential if you really want to become healthy and fit. With the right workout plan and good diet program just like what this guide provides will help you attain your fitness goals especially a glorious bikini body. The right food will help your body to burn excess fats which are not needed in your health. HELP Nutrition Guide will tell users on how eating should done with the right portion control. With a week 5-meal per day eating program as well as recipes, you are one step closer to your dream of having that bikini body for summer.

Before, workout for women means bulky muscles just like men. But now, women are increasingly becoming conscious about their health and started exercising daily while eating proper meals every day. The 12-week Kayla Itsines bikini body guide summarizes the most efficient ways on how to treat your body and get the best workout. In just 30 minutes for every session, you’ll get the opportunity to complete a workout for best results. Lean and slim looking body with sexy and toned muscles are what this guide will give users.

It helps to promote healthy exercise and good nutrition plan to get quick results. The difference is that, this is not a fad diet or quick slim tricks. Great dedication and passion for fitness is what it needs in order to satisfy needs and goals at the same time. Eating healthy foods is key to a bikini body.

In fact, many women have already tried it and experience the big difference from using other products. Looking and feeling healthy is now made easy with this highly effective guide. Kayla Itsines download is available for more convenient using of this exclusive guide. This review is written in order to help you understand why it is an essential resource in getting fitter body.

Do we recommend Kayla Itsines BBG? We don’t know yet as we are still studying her ebook and we will post our recommendation up soon!

If you have any questions regarding Kayla Itsines BBG, you can comment below and I will try my best to answer them as soon as possible.


Kayla’s Background

Kayla Itsines was born on 21st of May 1991, in Australia. While she loved playing sports growing up, she wasn’t interested in fitness.

Kayla says she was overwhelmed with the gym as a child – it was an intimidating place for her.

Interest in Fitness

It wasn’t until Kayla’s sports coach told her to “just start somewhere,” that she mustered up the courage to step into the weights room for the first time.

To her surprise, Kayla found that working out with weights wasn’t nearly as frightening as she previously thought. In fact, she enjoyed it.

The more she trained, the more her passion for fitness grew. This eventually led Kayla to give up on her initial plan to become a beauty therapist. She instead started studying to become a Master Trainer at the Australian Institute of Fitness.

Start of Personal Training

Not long after graduation, Kayla found a job as a trainer at a gym in Adelaide.

While she worked there, Kayla noticed that most of her female clients weren’t happy with their results from training. Kayla’s clients did a lot of traditional machine exercises, which they didn’t enjoy.

Seeing this, Kayla decided to change the approach by replacing the machines with creative aerobic exercises. The client response was fantastic.

Kayla soon realized that females who trained at her gym had a specific goal in their mind. They wanted flat abs, toned inner thighs, and they didn’t want to look ‘bulky’. This encouraged Kayla to train her clients in a specific way to achieve their goals.

Getting Viral Online

Kayla’s progress as a personal trainer was noticed by her cousin, who suggested she should post before-after pictures of her clients on social media to follow their progress.

Within a few months, Kayla’s posts went viral, leading her to gain countless followers. What’s more, many of these people started asking Kayla for training advice.

Motivated by this, Kayla worked hard on building her brand and establishing herself as an authority in the female fitness industry.

Business Goals

After months of dedication, Kayla launched her first fitness business with the goal of helping her fans.

The idea worked out extremely well, leading Kayla to become a worldwide fitness sensation.

World Tour

As Kayla’s popularity continued to grow, many fans started asking her to organize meet-ups in their cities.

Kayla listened to her fans and embarked on a fitness world tour. During the tour, she taught free fitness boot-camps to everyone attending.

The tour included all major Australian cities, Los Angeles, London, and New York City.

Kayla Itsines Today

These days, Kayla is recognized as one of the top personalities in the fitness industry, having helped millions of women achieve their dream figures.

She says her success is a result of focusing on other people as opposed to her own goals. This ethos is something Kayla carries over to her followers, encouraging them to help each other on their own journey towards success.

Kayla Itsines before and during pregnancy.

Main Career

In March 2013, Kayla and Tobi founded a Bikini Body Training Company where she was the director and Tobi was the CEO. She published the first two ‘Bikini Body Guided’ named Itsines’s workout in first volume and nutrition information from dietitians Julie Dundon and Anne Schneyder of Nutrition Professionals Australia in the second volume in January 2014. By the following October, more than a million guides had been downloaded. Her guide was neither for muscle gain or weight loss but was for having a desired particular look.

In 2015, Itsines went on a world tour, the ‘Kayla Itsines Bootcamp World Tour’ whose motto was to lead-free group fitness classes. She toured in Australia’s capital cities, New York City, Los Angeles, and London. In April of the same year, she was featured in Apple advertisement for the Apple watch which demonstrated the heart-rate monitor feature of the product.

Caption: Kayla Itsiness making her video. Source: Instagram

Структура тренировок

 Круговые тренировки в програме разбиты на 3 блока: 1-4 недели, 5-8 недели и 9-12 недели. 

 Также перед основными тренировками в программу включены 4 недели пре-тренировок — для новичков в таком типе тренировок, для молодых мам и для тех, кто никогда особо в своей жизни не тренировался.

В книге указано, на какой неделе сколько силовых  (resistance training) , кардио-тренировок и план тренировок, которому необходимо следовать. Условно дни недели указаны с понедельника, но вы можете подстраивать их под себя и свой темп жизни (например, можно начать неделю со среды или поменять местами тренировку на все тело и ноги).

Resistance —  силовая круговая тренировка

Stretch — растяжка

Вот, в качестве примера, план на первые 4 недели тренировок

Также Кайла советует делать фото «до» и «после» до начала тренировок и после окончания каждого блока. 

Equipment Needed for Kayla Itsines Bikini Body Guide

Besides paying $70 for the ebook, you should also equip yourself with  a medicine ball (that weighs between six to twelve kilograms), yoga mat, bosu ball,  two benches, a mat, two dumbbells (Kayla recommends you to get dumbbell that weights between 3-5 kgs or 7.5 Lbs – 12 Lbs) and a skipping rope.

Kayla Itsines Bikini Body Workout are designed for you to do them from home. However, if you do not want to buy the equipments above, you have no choice but to join a gym that is full equipped.

Kayla Itsines Bikini Body Guide Transformation

Have you seen her website and the transformations? If you have not seen the transformation pictures, here are some pictures from her instagram and website..

This will be it for today! I will post more when I have more reviews and information regarding Kayla Itsines workout program. If you are thinking of buying the Kayla Itsines Bikini Body Guide, please do read our latest review on it!


  • Kayla is the only known Greek demigod

    The way that she was born is unknown, not being known if Apollo is who was pregnant or Darren (though given his interactions with Sally Jackson when she was pregnant, it is unlikely it was Apollo, as he seemed to have trouble understanding the concept at all). It’s also possible that Apollo birthed Kayla with Darren in a similar to how Athena’s children are born.

    with a human parent being the same sex as their godly parent.

  • She wishes to try out for the Olympics as an archer.
  • Kayla is technically the first Canadian demigod in the series to be introduced, making Frank Zhang the second Canadian demigod to appear in the series. However, Kayla was only mentioned, in The Last Olympian, making Frank the first Canadian demigod to «appear» in the series.

Личная жизнь

Итсинес — дочь учителей Анны и Джима Итсинес. У нее есть младшая сестра Лия, которая работает личным тренером и кулинарным стилистом. Семейное наследие Итсинес — греческое, и она называет себя гречанкой. Она связывает свой выбор еды с греческим воспитанием.

Итсинес познакомилась со своим женихом Тоби Пирсом в тренажерном зале. Они живут вместе с 2012 года. В апреле 2018 года они обручились, однако объявили о своем разрыве 21 августа 2020 года.

Итсинес отказалась от алкоголя и не пила по крайней мере с 2012 года. В мае 2019 года она родила ей и Тоби дочь Арну.

Чистая стоимость

В октябре 2016 года Итсинес и ее партнер Тоби Пирс были включены в список BRW «Молодые богатые» самых богатых австралийцев в возрасте до 40 лет, которые не унаследовали свои деньги. Их чистая стоимость была доложена на A $ 46 миллионов в 2016 году Itsines и чистая стоимость Пирса была оценена как A $ 486 млн в Financial Review 2019 списке богачей . Собственный капитал Itsines не соответствовал пороговому значению в 472 миллиона австралийских долларов для списка богатых участников Financial Review 2020 .

Early Career

After graduating from the University, Kayla started her career working at a women’s gym in Adelaide. She soon realized that her clients were not having satisfying results by performing workouts on machines. So, she decided to give her clients a routine of aerobic exercise that mainly focuses on smaller inner thighs, flatter abdomen and toned arms which her clients loved it.

The moment he realized that her clients loved to workout at home rather than the gym, she designed exercises for working out at home with less equipment and less space. He also personally started training her sister’s friend who wanted to improve their physique so that they could play Netball on their high school team. She promoted her new exercises through her Instagram by uploading a picture of her clients before-and-after their progress. She had a supportive life partner who has to aspire to her in becoming a successful fitness model. She met Tobi Pearce at a gym in 2013. At that time, Tobi was studying to get two degrees in Law and Commerce. He was also studying to be a personal trainer.

Bikini Body Guide Review

The heart and soul of the Bikini Body Guide are found in the BBG ebook. There are three in all: the original Bikini Body Guide which walks you through twelve weeks of the Kayla Itsines workout, the follow-up BBG 2.0 which adds another twelve weeks of more challenging workouts, and the H.E.L.P. (Healthy Eating and Lifestyle Plan) guide with nutrition advice and recipes.

The e-books are in .pdf format, easy to download and easy to follow. The first BBG is nearly 300 pages long and the second is just under 200 pages; they walk you through each day’s workout with clear, concise instructions. The H.E.L.P. nutrition guide is just as simple to use. And naturally, once you purchase them they’re yours forever. That shouldn’t seem like a big deal because that’s the whole point of purchasing e-books. However, it’s an important point as we’ll explain a bit later in our Kayla Itsines review, and our comparison of the BBG and Kayla’s new online APP.

It’s hard to put a price on effective weight loss and a great body. Even so, the Bikini Body Guide might seem expensive to some. It costs $69.97 for the BBG, another $69.97 for the BBG 2.0, and yet another $69.97 for the H.E.L.P. guide. That’s not the whole story, though.

Kayla sells a bundle that lets you purchase the BBG and the H.E.L.P. plan together for $119.97, a $20 discount over the individual prices. That’s not the whole story, either.

Owning the entire Bikini Body Guide for life, for less than $40, could be the biggest bargain in the weight loss and fitness world.


Kayla aims to complete 3-4 gym sessions per week. “I also incorporate some cardio too!”, says Kayla.

Her favorite exercise in the gym is the cable pulldown. Kayla also loves doing planks, which she believes are extremely underrated. According to her, planks work on stabilizing the core and strengthen the entire body.

In terms of weights, Kayla doesn’t like lifting heavy. Instead, her focus lies on maintaining a strict form, doing slow and controlled movements that fully activate her muscles.

A Week of Training

Here’s one of Kayla’s weekly fitness routines;

  • Monday: Abs and arms
  • Tuesday: 30-minute brisk walk, or another type of cardio
  • Wed: Lower body
  • Thursday: 30-minute brisk walk, or another type of cardio
  • Friday: Full-body

Full-Body Circuit Workout

This is a 28-minute circuit workout which Kayla uses to tone her muscles and lose fat. The goal of the workout is to keep everything short and intense.

To achieve this, Kayla does 4 circuits, each one consisting of different exercises. She only takes a break once the entire circuit is completed.

Here’s how the workout looks;

1st Circuit – Arms
  • Snap Push-Ups, 15 reps – In this exercise, Kayla ensures to keep the feet shoulder width apart as she jumps them in towards her hands.
  • Negative Triceps Dip, 15 reps – Kayla uses a bench for this exercise, and keeps her posture straight throughout the whole movement. She lowers slowly while keeping her abs flexed.
  • Commando, 24 reps – Keeping her shoulders in line with her hands, she engages her core throughout the movement to ensure a correct form.
2nd Circuit – Abs
  • Bent Leg Raise + Hip Lift, 15 reps – “Tuck your knees all the way into your chest to fully contract your abs”.
  • Outward Snap Jump, 20 reps – In this exercise, Kayla keeps her shoulders in line with her hands and keeps her core tight to prevent her hips from swaying.
  • Straight-Leg Situps + Twist, 20 reps – Kayla avoids using arms to swing herself up, instead, she uses her core to initiate the movement.
3rd Circuit – Legs
  • In+Out Jump Squat, 20 reps – Here, Kayla keeps her knees in line with both of her feet. This not only improves the efficiency of the exercise but also prevents injuries.
  • Alternating Front Lunge, 24 reps – According to Kayla, the most important factor of this exercise is keeping her front knee in line with her toes. She also makes sure to evenly distribute the weight between her legs.
  • X-Hops, 24 reps – With X-Hops, Kayla pays attention to land with “soft knees” to avoid injury.
4th Circuit – Full-Body
  • Lay-Down Burpee, 10 reps – During this movement, Kayla keeps her entire back straight. Especially her lower back, which is prone to injury.
  • X-Mountain Climber, 40 reps – Much as with other exercises, Kayla focuses on keeping her hands shoulder-width apart when doing X-Mountain Climbers.
  • X-Jump, 20 reps – The key to this exercise, as Kayla believes, is rotating through the upper body instead of the lower body. She also makes sure to keep her knees and toes in line at all times.

Rest and Recovery

Among Kayla’s top priorities is getting enough sleep every night. Even when traveling, she makes sure to get at least 8 hours of sleep – it’s non-negotiable for her.

Немного теории

Для тех, кто не в курсе – небольшое пояснение. Bikini Body Guides (Бикини Боди Гайд), или, по первым буквам, BBG (Би Би Джи) — это название электронной книги фитнс-тренера Кайлы Итсинес (Kayla Itsines), в которой она описывает 12-недельную фитнес-программу для женщин. Книга получила высокую оценку читателей – любителей фитнеса, и в настоящее время описываемая в ней программа, рассчитанная на 12 недель, известна всем как BBG-программа. Вот, вкратце, ее суть.

Сначала каждую неделю проводятся 2-3 тренировки с отягощениями в сочетании с кардио-упражнениями низкой интенсивности, а затем добавляются дополнительные кардио-тренировки, увеличивая сложность интервальной тренировкой высокой интенсивности (HIIT).

Каждое занятие имеет два цикла, повторяющихся дважды. Сначала в течение семи минут выполняются упражнения по схеме 1, затем в течение семи минут по схеме 2, далее – опять семь минут по схеме 1 и еще семь минут по схеме 2. В общей сложности занятие занимает 28 минут.

Каждая тренировка нацелена на разные основные группы мышц, поэтому:

  • по понедельникам вы выполняете упражнения для ног и ягодиц;
  • по средам – ​​упражнения для пресса и рук;
  • по пятницам – тренировки для всего тела с движениями, выполняемыми в понедельник и среду.

После 4-недельного периода переходим к более сложным вариантам и повторению каждого из них. Рекомендуемая форма одежды: женские топы для фитнеса или майки, спортивные штаны или шорты, кроссовки. Тренировки Кайлы Ицинес имеют репутацию интенсивных, но не пугающих. Большинство упражнений – это простые движения с использованием собственного веса тела. Их можно выполнять дома, но будьте готовы попотеть. А пару лет назад было разработано приложение Sweat, в котором доступны как BBG-программа, так и её силовой вариант – BBG Stronger.

Для начинающих Кайла Итсинес выбрала пять простых упражнений. С их помощью можно привести себя в хорошую физическую форму, не посещая дорогой спортзал. Посмотрите видео ниже для общего понимания и прочитайте описания для более конкретного понимания того, как делать движения в каждом из упражнений.

Early Life and Childhood

Kayla Itsines was born on 21st May 1991 in Adelaide, South Australia, Australia. As of 2020, she is 29 years old. She was the elder daughter of her parents are Anna Itsines and Jim Itsines. Both of her parents were teachers whereas Leah Itsines who is her younger sister is also a personal trainer and food stylist.

Itsines grew up in Australia. Her nationality is Australian and belongs to Greek-Australian ethnicity. She had the dream of becoming a beauty therapist. As a child, her interest was in basketball but was underweight and unhealthy. When Itsines was 15, she got the medical advice that she might suffer from fertility problems due to endometriosis.

After realizing that her infertility can be cured, Itsiness started working out at a gym. She got so much overwhelmed by fitness that she abandoned her primary goal of becoming a beauty therapist. After completing her high school studies at Adelaide, he graduated from the Australia Institute of Fitness as a Master Trainer at the age of 18.


General Abilities

  • ADHD: Like most demigods, she has superhuman reflexes.
  • Dyslexia: Her brain is hard-wired for Ancient Greek instead of modern languages.

Apollo, her immortal father.

Demigod Abilities

  • Archery: As Apollo’s daughter, she is a naturally talented archer, her skills only rivaled by her aunt, Artemis’ maiden hunters. Kayla seems to take pride in her archery skills the most.
  • Musical Aptitude: Since Apollo is god of music, Kayla is a natural musician.
  • She can curse others to only speak in rhyming couplets that can take days or even weeks to wear off.
  • Vitakinesis: As daughter of Apollo, she can heal people by singing to her father in Ancient Greek.
  • She is skilled in physical contests and games.

What is Kayla Itsines Bikini Body Guide 2.0

From week 13 to 24, you will face extreme workout challenges that will really define your determination to become fit and sexy. This is not a joke. This is serious. You need a lot of encouragement in order to get results. You also need to understand why you are doing this. For whom you’re doing this. Without proper inspiration, you are bound to fail if not taken seriously.

Kayla Itsines Guide 2.0 is an advanced workout program for women who have completed the first Bikini Body Guide version. It comprises of advance exercises that are meant for women who have already started exercising and have good knowledge and technique of bikini body workout. Exercises such as barbell squat, sumo deadlift – these are exercises that needs proper technique to execute. Without proper technique, you may risk injuring your body.

A long term weight loss is hard to achieve yet you can do this by staying on track of the food you eat and your workout schedule. All you have to do is to follow everything and you’ll find that it will change your lifestyle for the better. Check you progress regularly and see amazing results.

Rehabilitation is also a very important aspect. The guide includes full-stretching and foam-rolling routines. Make sure to develop posture to help you appear more fit and sexy. If you feel body sore after series of workouts, the foam rolling methods is perfect for you. It is specially included to help you keep going no matter how hard it may seem to continue.

The exercise glossary is intended to guide you with some pointers and cues you will need while completing all the sessions. This Kayla Itsines workout review will also help to determine your willpower to finish all the required programs. Can you keep up or just give up? Well, the answer lies on your perseverance and total discipline in following this guide.

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